Wednesday 16 March 2016

Lucas' Amazing Adventure

My stay here in Manila wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, and I wasn't expecting it to be very bad. I guess that means that it's been pretty good. The construction is hard and stuff, but after a while you kind of just learn to deal with the back pain and blisters and just work for whatever amount of time passes without realizing it. Also, eating and sleeping after working for three-ish hours in a row is way better than eating and sleeping normally; massages are basically the best thing ever. Playing with kids is definitely the highlight of the trip. Every time you come, there is a kid who just comes up to you and asks you carry him or read him a story or something like that and they are so ready to just run up and play. Every time you come back, there's a new kid just waiting to do the same thing. The team is also pretty great, people who I've never seen do any physical work before are slinging bags of gravel over their shoulders and throwing dirt out of chest-deep holes like it's nothing. So yeah, pretty life changing, I'd do it again any day.

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