Art Project. Swimming Lessons. Sports.
There are so many cute children here; one reminded me of my little brother.
Their faces and personalities are so endearing.
I am watching as peers adjust and enjoy each other and the new environment that still very few of us understand.
Thank God for the support of such wonderful teachers, leaders and friends.
To condense what we've done so far in words has proven to hard a task for me, as this cryptic entry evidences.
And I know we have seen VERY little of all there is to experience here.
I love you, dad, mom.
- Minji
-So far, I am having fun at Manila!! Can't wait to spend more time in Manila with these cool people, like Khloe
Working with the kids and meeting new people has been so much fun. They are so happy and their joy flows into your happiness
Mr. Moore says HI to Mrs. Moore and Joy! :O)
The students led the chapel today and had a good time praying for the students. God is at work here in Manila. We went to a feeding center this afternoon. So heartbreaking to see such poverty. A little girl led Amos and I to a family whose 14 yr old boy has polio. K.I.M. ministries were able to take care of him and get him the medical care that he so desperately needs. I thank the Lord that he led us to him. So proud of these students and how they are pouring their hearts out on the filipino people.
-Mrs. Goetz-
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